Inner Child Therapy in Kansas City, MO.

Let’s work together to heal and rediscover the youthful joy within you.

Let’s Heal Your Inner Child and Reclaim Your Youthful Energy and Joy!

Hi there, I'm Liz Davis, M.S., LMFT, and I'm excited to embark on a transformative journey of Inner Child Healing with you. Your emotional well-being is crucial, and as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I specialize in guiding individuals through the process of reconnecting with their Inner Child. Read on to discover how Inner Child Work at Liz Davis Therapy can help you unlock a deeper understanding of yourself, heal past wounds, and foster emotional resilience.

Do You Need Inner Child Therapy?

If you find yourself grappling with recurring patterns of emotional pain, self-sabotage, or a sense of disconnect from your Authentic Self, Inner Child Work Therapy could be the key to unlocking profound healing. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Kansas City, MO, I bring a compassionate and skilled approach to guide you through this transformative process.

Remember the innocence, curiosity, and boundless joy you experienced as a child? Inner Child Therapy invites you to revisit and nurture that inner child, addressing past wounds or traumas and fostering emotional resilience. Together, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

The path to healing begins with the first step. Click the button below to schedule an appointment and embark on the transformative journey of Inner Child Therapy. I'm here to support you on your path to rediscovering the joy within.

“Whatever the story of your childhood is, I want to hear it. Let’s work together to heal any lasting wounds, remember moments of joy, and help you reconnect with and nurture the inner child within you.”

— Liz Davis, M.S., LMFT

Inner Child Therapy Services in Kansas City, Mo.

At Liz Davis Therapy, I provide a confidential and empathetic environment for individuals seeking Inner Child Therapy. My services are tailored to help you:

Explore Your Inner Landscape:

Delve into the emotions, memories, and experiences of your inner child for a deeper understanding of yourself.

Heal Past Wounds:

Address unresolved childhood issues and traumas, fostering a sense of healing and empowerment.

Improve Self-Esteem

Work towards rebuilding a positive self-image and regaining confidence in your daily life.

Build Emotional Resilience:

Develop tools and coping strategies to navigate life's challenges with greater emotional resilience.

Enhance Self-Compassion:

Cultivate a nurturing relationship with yourself, promoting self-love and acceptance.

Reconnect with Joy:

Rediscover the joy, creativity, and spontaneity that may have been buried beneath life's challenges.


Reclaim YOUR JOY.

Office of Liz Davis, M.S., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Kansas City.
Liz Davis, M.S., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Kansas City.

Take the First Step Towards Inner Child Healing.

Your well-being is worth investing in, and Liz Davis Therapy is here to support you on your journey to rediscovering the joy within. Conveniently located in the vibrant Westport neighborhood of Kansas City, MO, my office provides a comforting space for your journey toward inner child healing. I’ve designed and curated the office to be a cozy, warm, comfortable, and visually interesting space for my clients to enjoy. I wanted to make a space my clients would actually look forward to being in! And you’re welcome here too! When you’re in this office, I consider it your time and your space. Let’s do this, together!

Hear it directly from my clients! Here are some voluntary testimonials that my clients have asked me to share with you!

  • "I didn't realize how much my past was affecting my present until I started Inner Child Work with Liz. It's been a game-changer in my emotional well-being."

    — Alex S.

  • "Liz created a safe space for me to explore and heal my inner child. The process was challenging, but the growth and healing were absolutely worth it."

    — Taylor M.

  • "Inner Child Work with Liz helped me reconnect with parts of myself I thought were lost. I've never felt more centered and whole. I was pretty surprised."

    — Jordan B.

Common Issues Addressed in Inner Child Therapy:

  • Repetitive Relationship Patterns: Understand and break free from patterns that may be rooted in childhood experiences.

  • Low Self-Esteem: Address the origins of self-doubt and cultivate a positive self-image.

  • Anxiety and Fear: Explore and heal the source of anxieties and fears that may be connected to childhood experiences.

  • Difficulty in Establishing Boundaries: Learn to set healthy boundaries by understanding and addressing early attachment patterns.

  • Self-Sabotaging Behaviors: Uncover and transform behaviors that hinder personal growth and success.

  • Reparenting: Inner child work gives us the opportunity to reparent ourselves in more nurturing and healing ways.

  • Self-Care: Learn to nurture and care for yourself in a new, more compassionate way. The way you would care for a child - but that inner child is you.

Benefits of Inner Child Therapy.

  • Self-Discovery and Understanding: Gain insight into the origins of current challenges and behaviors.

  • Emotional Healing: Experience profound healing by addressing and resolving past wounds.

  • Improved Relationships: Break free from unhealthy relationship patterns and cultivate healthier connections.

  • Enhanced Emotional Resilience: Develop coping strategies to navigate life's challenges with greater emotional strength.

  • Increased Self-Compassion: Foster a compassionate relationship with yourself, promoting self-love and acceptance.

Let’s Get Real About Inner Child Therapy Expectations.

Inner Child Work Therapy is a deeply personal and transformative process. The effectiveness of therapy depends on your commitment, openness, and willingness to engage in self-exploration. It's a collaborative journey where I will provide guidance and support as you reconnect with your inner child and embark on a path of healing.

Liz Davis, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Kansas and Missouri.

Ready to Reconnect with Your Inner Child Within?

Let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing! Click the button below to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards reconnecting with the joy within. I'm here to support you on your path to emotional well-being and fulfillment.
Together, we can heal, grow, and reconnect with ourselves in a deeper way.

Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy for Inner Child Work.

  • If you find yourself struggling with repetitive patterns of emotional pain, relationship challenges, or a sense of disconnect from your authentic self, Inner Child Work Therapy could be beneficial. It's especially helpful if you're open to exploring the deeper layers of your emotional landscape.

  • Absolutely. Many current challenges and patterns are rooted in past experiences. Inner Child Work Therapy provides a unique opportunity to explore and address these roots, leading to profound healing and personal growth.

  • I bring a compassionate and skilled approach to Inner Child Work Therapy, combining years of experience as a licensed therapist with specialized training in guiding individuals through the process of reconnecting with their inner child. My goal is to create a safe and supportive space for your journey of self-discovery and healing.

  • Not necessarily. While Inner Child Work Therapy is beneficial for those with significant childhood trauma, it can also be valuable for individuals dealing with less severe but impactful experiences. The goal is to address and heal the emotional wounds that may be affecting your present life.

  • In our sessions, we'll explore your feelings, memories, and experiences related to your inner child. The process may involve guided visualizations, dialogue exercises, and other therapeutic techniques to help you reconnect with and understand your inner child.

  • The duration varies based on individual needs and the complexity of issues. Some individuals experience significant breakthroughs in a few sessions, while others benefit from longer-term therapy. We'll work together at a pace that feels right for you.

  • Yes, in many cases, individuals choose to integrate Inner Child Work Therapy with other therapeutic approaches. We can discuss how to create a comprehensive and effective therapy plan that meets your unique needs.

  • Yes, absolutely. Inner Child Work Therapy can be a powerful entry point into therapy for those who are new to the process. It provides a focused and transformative approach to addressing specific emotional challenges.

  • Your active participation, openness, and commitment are essential to the success of Inner Child Work Therapy. The process requires self-exploration and a willingness to engage in the transformative journey of reconnecting with your inner child.

  • Inner Child Work Therapy involves specific techniques and exercises aimed at reconnecting with and healing your inner child. While talk therapy explores thoughts and feelings, Inner Child Work delves deeper into the emotional roots of current challenges.

  • Yes, Inner Child Work Therapy can be beneficial for individuals experiencing anxiety or depression. By addressing the underlying emotional wounds from childhood, the therapy aims to alleviate symptoms and promote emotional well-being.

  • Absolutely. Inner Child Work Therapy isn't solely for those with traumatic childhoods. Even individuals with positive childhoods can benefit by exploring and nurturing their inner child, fostering a deeper connection with their authentic selves. Through the busyness of life, work, and managing relationships, many of us find that we have lost the connection to our younger, carefree selves. Inner Child Work Therapy can help us reconnect with our youthful energy and joy, and even help us remember what activities used to bring us so much happiness in our youth so that we can bring elements of that joy back into our adult lives.

  • Inner Child Work Therapy helps identify and transform self-sabotaging behaviors by exploring their roots in early experiences. Understanding and healing these patterns can lead to positive changes in behavior and overall well-being.

  • Yes, one of the key benefits of Inner Child Work Therapy is fostering self-love and self-compassion. By addressing past wounds and negative self-perceptions, individuals can develop a more nurturing and supportive relationship with themselves.

  • Absolutely. Inner Child Work Therapy can complement other therapeutic modalities. We can create a holistic therapy plan that combines Inner Child Work with other approaches to address your unique needs.

  • The pace of progress varies, but many individuals report positive changes after a few sessions. The effectiveness of Inner Child Work Therapy depends on the commitment and active participation of the individual in the therapeutic process.

  • Yes, Inner Child Work Therapy provides a safe space to explore and express emotions. The therapeutic process gently encourages individuals to reconnect with and express their feelings, promoting emotional awareness and healing.

  • As your therapist, my role is to guide and support you through the process of Inner Child Work. I provide a safe and nurturing space for exploration, offer insights, and facilitate exercises to help you reconnect with and heal your inner child.

  • Yes, Inner Child Work Therapy can address perfectionism by exploring its roots in childhood experiences. By understanding and healing the underlying causes, individuals can develop a healthier relationship with achievement and self-worth.

  • While I love to see my clients in person, yes, virtual sessions are available for individuals who prefer or need the flexibility of remote therapy. I strive to provide the same level of support and guidance in virtual sessions, allowing you to engage in Inner Child Work Therapy from the comfort of your own space.

  • Scheduling is easy! Just click the button below and find a day and time that works best for you. I can’t wait to meet you and begin your healing journey together!

Not ready to commit to scheduling an appointment just yet? That’s ok! Feel free to check out some of my blog posts to learn more about me, my style, and my perspective on mental health here.

If you’re interested by any of these blog articles, we may just be a good fit! Feel free to click the button below to schedule your first appointment today!